July 2018 Topic
Ken Rodgers
I am from Lubbock but have lived in Richardson for the last 42 years. I started turning in ’91 and joined WNT almost immediately. This was in the Ft Worth Paxton Wood store days. Clay Foster and Larry Roberts were my main “go to” guys when I had questions. A few years later, in the 1st Mike Wallace shop days, we got our first camcorder, eventually spelling the doom for the 45-degree giant mirror (YEA)! I immediately got involved in the video operations. That effort migrated to the yearly meetings of the Texas Turn or Two (now SWAT). For several years I was the A/V manager for SWAT.
In ’96 a few of us started the Dallas club and for several years I was active in both WNT and DAW. I have done demos at all four area clubs and SWAT. You can see samples of my turnings in my gallery on the DAW Website: http://www.dallaswoodturners.com/Gallery/tabid/91/AlbumID/471-12/Default.aspx
My other hobbies include Ham Radio and flying R/C model planes. My real airplane flying days are ancient history. I also enjoy golf (some days), building solid body electric steel guitars (one was turned between centers on my lathe), playing guitars and fiddles, and videoing airshows. Search YouTube “krodg41” for samples of my airshow videos at Addison and Alliance airports.
I enjoy turning natural-edge goblets from odd-shaped tree limbs, saving them from the landfill. John Horn challenged me to learn how to add interlaced loose rings to my goblets. That is what I will be demonstrating for WNT in July. I will cover the goblet turning basics but will focus mainly on the interlaced loose ring aspect.